Hello lovelies, it’s been a while since I posted on the blog. I hope you are all doing well by God’s grace. Since it has been a while, let’s do some quick sorting out first. If you read my previous blog post, then you are aware that I included a new category, which is the BEAUTY category. If you have not read the new phase of the blog, please check HERE. This will be my first blog post in this category. With that being said, today’s post is all about knowing, embracing your worth and beauty, and building confidence in God.
With regards to today’s blog post, the word “enough” used in this context will be on a quantifiable basis. The word “ENOUGH” means as much as is necessary, according to the Cambridge English Dictionary.
We have all in one way or the other critiqued ourselves or had low self-esteem mindsets, if you are in this category, then this post is for you. If you are not in this category, just read it to broaden your horizon. Let’s begin!!
A. M. I. E. N. O. U. G. H?, this question might resonate with you. In today’s era, a lot of people are fond of placing high hopes or placing their values on materialistic things and people are very competitive in a negative way, they are looking for ways to be noticeable in all facets of life. But I am here to tell you that, your worth does not come from accolades, number of likes on a post or even an attention from a man or a woman. Your worth only comes from God!
I will be outlining 4 ways to embrace your worth. Here we go!
1) In order to know and embrace your worth, you need to be a believer of God. Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. Then, start building a personal relationship with Him by reading your Bible on a daily basis and praying.
As you begin to imbibe yourself in the Word of God, you will know your worth. You will know that God sees you as enough and He examines people based on their heart and not appearance. Let’s read the Bible verses below:
From the Bible verses above, God chose David as King of Israel because of his heart for God over his brothers, even though all brothers were equally handsome. David was deemed as enough in the sight of God even though his family overlooked him. God did not choose David based on his appearance, but based on his obedience and faith in God. A key lesson learnt here is to not base your worth or value on your status and appearance. God looks at your heart. Is your heart clean? Do you have pure motives in your heart for the things of God? If people are undermining or underestimating your value, do not fret. Know that God loves you regardless of anything and at the right time, He will lift you high.
2) Accept yourself exactly as you are. Do not be too harsh on yourself. If you have a petite body size, slim figure, fat, or whatever body size you have, embrace it. God does not make mistakes in creating us. He has a purpose for everyone. When he created you, He was fully aware of making you short or tall. Don’t be worried about your body structure. Embrace everyone equally, treat everyone with love. Don’t body-shame anyone.
3) Do not compare yourself with others. Comparison steals your peace and joy. Oftentimes, we try to prove our worth to others by becoming someone else. We think by doing so, it will satisfy our intentions, but we’re rather making things worse. We end up measuring our inside with someone’s outside and rush the process. You are God’s very own possession. He takes pride in you. You don’t need to compare yourself to someone’s highlight when you are going through challenges because you don’t know how that person got there. In your current season, you are enough for God. He will grant you your heart’s desires in His timing.
4) Your way of thinking that you’re not enough should cease because God sees you as “the salt of the earth. You carry the flavour of God and you season the earth” (song lyrics by Minister Michael Mahendere; one of my favourite songs. Go and listen to it (Salt of the Earth) HERE!
Change your thinking and you’ll see some changes. Everyday, say some positive affirmations to yourself. You can find some “I AM” verses in the Bible that will boost your confidence, how you value yourself and embrace your inner beauty.
In summary, your worth only comes from God. He sees you as a beautiful man or woman. He sees you fit enough to handle this position, start a business. You have a calling and purpose on this earth. Work at fulfilling it, obey and have faith in God. Your worth does not come from riches on earth. If God sees you as enough, all protocols should cease. We’re not perfect, but God loves us regardless, that He even made His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for me and you.
Next time, the devil puts a negative thought(s) on your mind or you question your inadequacy,
Know, Believe and Vehemently Answer That Y. O .U A. R. E E. N. O. U. G. H . I. N. T. H. E. E. Y. E. S. O. F. G. O. D!
I hope that you are blessed in today’s post. Make sure to leave a comment below, follow me on Instagram (@chicbeautyinandout) and I will see you in my next post. Have a blessed week.
With Love,