The Power of the Sacrifice. SEASON 1: EPISODE 3
Hello lovelies, Episode 3 is here and today's post is on the Power of the Sacrifice. You might be wondering what kind of sacrifice I am going to write about. Well stay tuned and let's begin.
I was in my office one day when a man came inside (well, all the workers know him, he ain't a stranger and anytime this man comes to the office, he always uses my phone charger. So when he came on that day, I was busily working on some projects and I checked my phone only to realize that it was very low. I reached out for my bag to get the charger and lo and behold, he came up to me and asked (Eunice, is your phone charger there? I said yes and he said can I please have it?) Hmmm, well I gave him the charger because I am that kind of person who puts people's needs first before mine plus I just thought, well I can charge my phone afterwards, he ain't gonna be here the whole day and I am not going to use my phone for anything in the meantime.
Do you know that there's someone so special and very important in the Bible and today I'm going to base my thoughts on Him and also write on a huge sacrifice He made for both you and I. Let's continue, shall we??
There is this man who is without spot or blemish and His name is JESUS. He went through a whole lot of challenges just to achieve the main purpose that He came on earth for, that purpose is SALVATION. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was portrayed on the cross when He died for our sins. Let me give you a few examples of the turmoil He went through before He died on the cross :
“Then they began to spit in Jesus’ face and beat him with their fists. And some slapped him.”
The love of Jesus Christ is portrayed when He went through all these challenges before dying on the cross. Would you have done that if you were given the opportunity? I'm sure most people are nodding their heads in disapproval. But Jesus loves us this biggg, so what's preventing us from living in freedom and also doing what Jesus wants us to do. Love is the greatest commandment in the Word of God.
“Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.”
We ought to show love to people, no matter what they have done to us. Just imagine what they did to Jesus (spitting, slapping etc), yet He had love for the people who did that. Jesus had to go through all these challenges just because of YOU & I. How special are we?? We are so special in the eyes of Jesus and as such we must also be special to people around us and obey His Word.
The power of the sacrifice of Jesus is to cleanse us. He's ever ready to accept our prayers of forgiveness. There is power in the blood of Jesus, which is aimed at healing the sick, making the weak to be strong etc.
“But if we are living in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.”
We see an example of God's forgiveness in the life of David. He was convicted of two terrible sins of adultery and murder.
“Then David confessed to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord”. Nathan replied, “Yes, but the Lord has forgiven you.”
The tremendous cry of repentance and plea for mercy from David was heard by God and He forgived him. Most Christians fret in asking God for forgiveness, but this is one of the benefits of the sacrifice of Jesus. David immediately asked God for forgiveness when Nathan told him of his wrongdoing. We should be eager to ask God for forgiveness but not refrain from doing so. The wonderful thing is that, when God forgives you, make sure that you do not go back to that sin. It might seem difficult at first, but try as much as possible to refrain from committing that sin again. (The service of the Holy Spirit comes in handy here, I wrote a little about that in Episode 1, make sure you read it).
In conclusion, the blood of Jesus provides so much more than a ticket to heaven. In Jesus, we are bought with the blood of Jesus. So anytime you feel inferior, just remember that God loves you and you are so special and beautiful in His eyes.
A question for you today is: Are you ready to give more priority or sacrifice your time to God in your life? Are you ready to spend more time in His presence, rather than watching Netflix or Game of Thrones? Ponder over these questions and always bear in mind that Jesus loves you and He is waiting for you to love Him back. Always be a living testimony so that others will see Christ in you.
If you do not know God or have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior, please say the prayer below sincerely :) God Loves You!
I hope this post has encouraged you in one way or the other. Make sure you subscribe below so that you don't miss next week's post. Stay tuned lovelies and have an awesome week.
With Love,