Hello lovelies, it's been quite a while since I wrote a blog post and I miss all my lovely readers. I know I have been MIA but I am finally back! So definitely be expecting new blog posts soon! (insert happy face here).

As you might have read from my previous blog post, I celebrated one year in my blogging journey on March 2018. If you haven't read it yet, make sure to give it a read HERE!!

Today’s post is all about providing you with all the highlights, letting you know what I have been up to. To find out what I have been up to, keep on scrolling!

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A few months ago, I graduated and received my degree in International Development Studies, all praise to God :) Stories about my university journey will be delivered to you lovelies at a latter day. If you want me to write about this incredible experience, like this post and leave a comment below.



I also relocated from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Ontario some few months ago :)



Ding ding, with regards to my blog, do you see a change in the website design?? Well the main reason I was MIA on the blog was because my website was under-construction. There has been some changes done here and there, with some new twists and turns. My blog’s vision has taken a twist too. To learn more about the new vision of this blog, read HERE.

Having read the new vision, I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I definitely cannot wait to share upcoming blog posts with you. Just make sure you fasten your seat belt and let’s ride through this journey together in embracing your God-given beauty one step at a time.

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And oh don’t forget to subscribe to my mailing list. Have a blessed week!

With Love,

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